Work at a company considered the best place to work

Desk Manager has been certified twice by Great Place to Work, confirming that whether we are in a physical location or working remotely, it’s the people who make the company’s culture amazing.


Customer Service Intern

Will work directly in Customer Service, supporting and resolving system-related queries. Will assist other analysts with testing new features released by the development team, tracking…

Implementation Assistant JR. (backoffice)

Will work directly supporting the Implementation team and other areas of Desk Manager, parameterizing and structuring the database of clients who are in the implementation period or existing clients who need parameterization in…


Customer Service Intern

Will work directly in Customer Service, supporting and resolving system-related queries. Will assist other analysts with testing new features released by the development team, tracking…

Implementation Assistant JR. (backoffice)

Will work directly supporting the Implementation team and other areas of Desk Manager, parameterizing and structuring the database of clients who are in the implementation period or existing clients who need parameterization in…


Customer Service Intern

Will work directly in Customer Service, supporting and resolving system-related queries. Will assist other analysts with testing new features released by the development team, tracking…

Implementation Assistant JR. (backoffice)

Will work directly supporting the Implementation team and other areas of Desk Manager, parameterizing and structuring the database of clients who are in the implementation period or existing clients who need parameterization in…


Why is Desk Manager the best company for you to work at?

Find out from those who are already part of the team.


Happy people are happy employees!

Desk Manager is a company focused on results and growth, as well as the personal development of each employee. If you are also determined to become a better professional and person every day, we have a place for you here.

Montagem - Time Desk Manager

Count on an ally to orchestrate your team

By our side, the sectors of your company work in harmony and with efficiency. All together seeking results.