
Time Clock

ESM platform with workday control

Foto - Header Funcionalidade 01
Foto - Header Funcionalidade Ponto 01
Foto - Header Funcionalidade Ponto 02

In this application, operators can

Desk Manager Aplicativo Ponto - Dashboard
Desk Manager Aplicativo Ponto - Dashboard Registro de Hora
Desk Manager Aplicativo Ponto - Dashboard Pausa para o Almoço
Desk Manager Aplicativo Ponto - Dashboard Fim do expediente

Obtain data to plan schedules, workdays, and even team availability

Monitor your team

This application is very useful for managers to monitor team delays, lunch breaks that exceeded the scheduled time, and even know the possible “overtime” that a team member had to do to handle all the tickets.


Create reports

In the Time Clock Application, it will also be possible to extract reports of each team member’s time clock records to present to the company’s HR department.

Count on an ally to orchestrate your team

By our side, the sectors of your company work in harmony and with efficiency. All together seeking results.