

ESM platform with satisfaction survey

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Customer experience is a great differentiator when choosing to purchase a product or service. In a highly competitive market, delighting customers is a challenge that can provide a significant advantage for your company.

Desk Manager Aplicativo Satisfação - Dashboard

Monitor, understand, and delight

But before delighting, it is necessary to know the level of satisfaction of your customers to understand how to improve their experience with your product and/or service. To monitor this level of satisfaction and the quality of your team’s service, we created the Satisfaction Application.

Desk Manager Aplicativo Satisfação - Pesquisa

Create custom surveys, receive feedback, and improve your performance

With the Satisfaction Application, you can create completely customizable surveys with alternative, multiple-choice, or open-ended responses. This way, you can receive comprehensive feedback from your customers about your company.

With this information, you can improve processes, motivate the team, honor highly-rated attendants, or create new strategies that can enhance your operation’s performance, service delivery, or even generate more business.


Set up a satisfaction survey questionnaire at the end of each ticket

The survey can be:

The requester may be asked if the service was effective

If the answer is positive, the configured evaluation form will then be displayed. But if the answer is negative, the requester may choose to reopen the ticket – we believe it doesn’t make much sense for them to evaluate a service that didn’t effectively solve their problem, right?

Monitor your team

The answers arrive automatically for the manager, so it is possible to track which team members are receiving the best feedback and which may need training or refreshment.

Monitor your team

Additionally, the manager can track responses through reports with dynamic dashboards and even use the responses as a target metric for their team.

Negative response alerts

It is possible to set up alerts for when the operation receives a very negative survey response. This way, the manager will have the opportunity to quickly understand the situation with the customer and decide on an immediate action plan.

Count on our team

Monitor the Satisfaction Survey Response Index over the past 12 months. If the Index is very low, our Customer Success team can help implement strategies to raise this index.
Desk Manager Aplicativo Satisfação - Pesquisa E-mail

Count on an ally to orchestrate your team

By our side, the sectors of your company work in harmony and with efficiency. All together seeking results.