

ESM platform with chat and integration with WhatsApp or Telegram

Dashboard Funcionalidade - conversas
Header Desk Manager Aplicativo Conversas 01

Native integration in the Ticket App

We have natively created a response module for clients who use WhatsApp as a Communication Channel with their Requesters within the Ticket Application.

In addition to sending messages, you can receive them distributed to the Service Groups you desire.

Desk Manager Aplicativo Conversa - Lista de ConversasDesk Manager Aplicativo Conversa -Transferir Conversas

The idea is simple and the possibilities are endless

Respond to your clients in the best way

Respond to Clients who have already contacted you easily with Audios, Images, Links, Emojis, and even Desk Manager’s Ready Phrases. Everything is easy and fast.

Track all conversations

View Conversations through Tickets by Managers (Administrators and Managers), and track what is being discussed and even transfer the Service when necessary.


Add new information quickly

Automatically include new numbers in Existing Requesters during the completion of Conversations/Tickets. And add WhatsApp or Telegram Tickets as Child Tickets of already open Tickets, bringing the Traceability of all Demands.

See what else is possible with the Chat Feature

Use all Desk Manager Resources, such as Creating Requesters, Extra Fields, Auto-Categories, Configuration Items, Ticket Sharing, Creating Project Tasks from a Ticket, and much more.
Desk Manager Aplicativos - Iniciar conversa pelo solicitante Whatsapp

Receive contacts through a custom bot linked to Telegram and forward them to online operators in your service groups, automatically registering the ticket.


Desk Manager Aplicativos - Bot Personalizado

Transfer conversations without affecting teams

Interact with the Total Conversation Service Time, being divided through Transfers to other Service Groups and Operators. And keep all your metrics unobstructed for viewing.

In other words, each transfer of a Conversation will record in your Ticket the time that part of the service stayed with the Operator, not affecting your teams’ productivity measurement.

Chat integrated with the Knowledge Base

Imagine you are attending to the client, and they report an “Email Problem.” Your Knowledge Base can suggest a record linked to the text mentioned by your requester.


Ticket Automation and Ready Phrases

Include WhatsApp or Telegram Tickets as Child Tickets of already open Tickets, bringing traceability to all demands. In addition to Ready Phrases for automatic and standardized responses, bringing more efficiency to your service team!

Internal conversations and Service Group control

Through Ticket Comments, the Lead Operator or Supervisor can make assertive insertions of information to their agents. You can also configure the Service Groups you want to be available for Initial Service and disable the Bot for companies with only one Service Group.

Count on an ally to orchestrate your team

By our side, the sectors of your company work in harmony and with efficiency. All together seeking results.